My Little Kingdom

A day in the life of me and my kingdom. Thoughts of a mother of four amazing little boys, a wife of an incredible husband and a woman trying not to forget about herself.

January 08, 2005

Update on Edison

Thank you for all of the comments, concern and support. It is much appreciated and comes as welcomed and added comfort.

As for Edison he is doing well. If you were to watch him bouncing around the house and rough housing with his dad and brothers you'd never know his story. The doctors are amazed and pleased with how well his eye is recovering. He will have a scar but, thankfully due to the location of the puncture (just off centered in the pupil) it should not hender his vision. There is a chance of a stigmatism. As well as being so young he may develope a lazy eye since his eyes are still growing and learning to track. However with proper medical attention and some eye therapy he is expected to have his eyesight almost if not entirely restored.

Children are just remarkable at what they are able to endure and at how well they are at bouncing back, setting aside any disablities or discomfort. He's done much better than I would have that's for sure.

I think that one of the more difficult struggles I've had with this accident is the fear that he may not be able to explore certain avenues as an adult if his eyesight is obstructed. Will it keep him from fulfilling dreams? Such as his love and talent for baseball. He has an amazing pitch as well as he can tell me all of the players in his baseball book, Ty Cobb, Barry Bonds, Mickey Mantel, The Rocket, Babe Ruth..... We always want the best for our children and even accel at everything. As parents we have our own dreams and desires for them as to what and who they are. I realize though that it's not the end of the world if he doesn't become a pro baseball player. He is an amazing young man at the age of three with a huge heart and the world is full of opportunities and ways that he can fulfill any dream or desire that he has for himself. As a parent I realize it's my responsibility to encourage the desire, set an example and offer lots of support allowing him to explore and find his own dreams. Rather than pushing him down the path I think he ought to take.

Just some personal insight I've gained from this experience and from an incredible little man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I just read the original horrifying story. We made a 911 call for our little girl 9 years ago that left us with many of the same fears. She had been without oxygen for too long. Would she have brain damage? Would she be able to have a normal life? I'm happy to say that our daughter is now a gifted student and excels at all things academic. I spent a couple of years worrying before we really knew for sure. I'm sure your boy will have a life as wonderful as only you and your husband could give him. If the eye isn't perfect it will help give him empathy for others who need it. Enough said. Thanks again for following up with the story. I would have been thinking about it all week if I didn't know what happened.

3:34 PM  

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