My Little Kingdom

A day in the life of me and my kingdom. Thoughts of a mother of four amazing little boys, a wife of an incredible husband and a woman trying not to forget about herself.

March 01, 2006

Stay Tuned

Due to multiple requests for more articles I will be resumming my regular posts.
I have often said that it takes me an entire year (after having a baby) to get myself back to normal, hormones, physically, mentally and so forth And I'm not just making excuses my doctor will back me up on that. I once asked him how long it took for all that to settle down and resume back to 'normal', and he said a year. Not to mention there is a lot of adjusting with a newborn, even though we've been through it before.

Having said that I will do my best at trying to get a regular post out at least monthly for now. I still have three months before I hit the year mark. I've jotted a few notes down over the past months so all is not lost. Besides with four boys I have new material daily.

At any rate, thanks for the encouragement and don't give up on me.


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